FH-Prof. Klaus Widhalm, MSc
Favoritenstraße 226, D.2.24
1100 Vienna, Austria
+43 1 606 68 77-4743

ORCID: orcid.org/0000-0001-7076-4100
ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Klaus-Widhalm
Running project: www.sett.at

Curriculum Vitae


  • 1983 – 1991            Grammar school (Tulln, Lower Austria, Austria)
  • 1991 – 1992            Environmental engineering and water management (University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria)
  • 1995                       Diploma in physiotherapy (Vienna General Hospital, Austria)
  • 2010                       Master of Science in Physiotherapy (FH Campus Wien, Vienna, Austria)
  • since 03-2022        PhD candidate at Paracelsus Medical University, Institute of Biomechanics (Salzburg, Austria)

Job History

  • 1995 – 1996           Civilian service (rehabilitation center weisser Hof, AT)
  • 1996 – 2005           Physiotherapist (rehabilitation center Weisser Hof, AT)
  • 1999 – 2000           Self-employed physiotherapist (Tulln, Lower Austria, AT)
  • 2005 – 2006           Self-employed physiotherapist (Leoben, Styria, AT)
  • 2006 – 2007           Workings in the field of outdoor-activities
  • 2007 – 2008           Self-employed physiotherapist (Tulln, Lower Austria, AT)
  • since 02-2008        FH Campus Wien University of Applied Sciences
      • Bachelor Course Physiotherapy
      • Master Health Assisting Engineering
      • Research Center Health Sciences

Further education

  • Noninvasive orthopaedics by Cyriax (IAOM)
  • PNF (Basic Level)
  • Sports physiotherapy (SPT-Education / University of Salzburg, Institute for sports sciences)
  • Treatment after spinal cord injuries (PhysioAustria)
  • Workshops and meetings in the field of electrotherapy
  • Workshops on topics like LOKOMAT, ZEPTOR, FES
  • Assessment Training on “Work System Functional Capacity”
  • ESMAC Gait Course
  • EMG course (Vienna, orthopaedic hospital Speising)


  • Movement Sciences (Bachelor Physiotherapy)
  • Applied Movement Sciences (Bachelor Physiotherapy)
  • Exercise Therapy (Bachelor Physiotherapy)
  • Diagnostic and measurement methods (Master Health Assisting Engineering)
  • Supervising Bachelor- and Master Theses


  • Member of PhysioAustria, since 1995
  • Member of G-A-M-M-A, since 2008
  • Board Member of GAMMA, since 2013
  • Member of ESMAC, since 2013
  • Member of DGfB, since 2020

Review Activities

  • Gait & Posture
  • The Knee
  • PlosOne


  • Mixed-Reality-Lab (09-2023 – 05-2026), partner of the Technical University Vienna by in-kind means
  • ArtIOLs – Peripheral vision with intraocular lenses (03-2022 – 10-2022), internal funding
  • SETT – Smart real-time feedback-assisted training therapy (01-2022 – 12-2024), national funding (City of Vienna, MA23)
  • Telehealth Blocks (01-2022 – 12-2024), national funding (City of Vienna, MA23)
  • Up & Down – Effects of real-time feedback during decline walking on kinematic and kinetic gait parameters in a healthy population: a randomized trial (2020 – 06/2021), internal funding
  • TEXTwalker – Influence of cell phone walking on kinetic gait parameters and gait stability (2019 – 09/2020), internal funding
  • Neuromuscular control of the dynamic functional leg alignment during ADL tasks and comparison of skin-marker based models (2017 – 06/2018), internal funding
  • Posture Feedback Feasibility (2017), national Funding (FFG Inno-Scheck)
  • Variability of the dynamic functional leg alignment and lumbopelvic rhythm in heathy subjects performing ADL tasks (2016 – 2017), internal Funding
  • Validity and reliability of 2D gait and Sit-to-Stand analyses (2015 – 2016), internal Funding
  • Multi-dimensional factors associated with physical activity levels in school-aged children (2014 – 2016), internal Funding
  • Movement patterns of the spine during ADL Tasks (2011 – 2014), internal Funding

Publications 1st Author

  • Widhalm K, Durstberger S, Greisberger A, Wolf B, Putz P. Validity of assessing level walking with the 2D motion analysis software TEMPLO and reliability of 3D marker application. Sci Rep. Jan 16 2024;14(1):1427. doi:10.1038/s41598-024-52053-z
  • Widhalm K, Durstberger S, Putz P. Preliminary data of a 3D single-limb-squat assessment of laterality in exercise-proficient physiotherapists. Gait & Posture. 2023;106:S222-S224.
  • Widhalm K, Maul L, Durstberger S, Klupper C, Putz P. Real-Time Digital Feedback for Exercise Therapy of Lower Extremity Functional Deficits: A Mixed Methods Study of User Requirements. Studies in Health Technology and Informatics. 2023; 301: p108-214.
  • Widhalm K, Durstberger S, Putz P. Effects of real-time feedback on functional ROM and loading rate during downhill walking on an instrumented treadmill. Gait Posture. 2022; 97(Supplement 1): p362-363
  • Widhalm K, Durstberger S, Putz P. Effects of real-time feedback during decline walking on kinematic and kinetic gait parameters in a healthy population: study protocol for a randomized trial – up and down. 2021;22(1)477.
  • Widhalm K, Durstberger S, Kaufmann C, Klinger M, Putz P. An exploratory approach of classifying the dynamic functional leg alignment during Activity of Daily Living tasks: preliminary results. Gait Posture. 2019; 73(Supplement 1): p257-258
  • Widhalm K, Wolf B, Greisberger A, Putz P. Test-retest reliability of sagittal spine excursions during ADL-tasks assessed by a multisegmental spine model. Gait Posture. 2018;65(Supplement 1): p142-143
  • Widhalm K, Klinger M, Kaufmann C, Kabbani M, Menz J, Part V, Putz P. Dynamic functional leg alignment in healthy young adults during a stair ascent and descent: an explorative pilot study. Gait Posture.2017;57(Supplement 1): p171-172
  • Widhalm K, Putz P. Correlation of physical activity, active range of motion and type of ADL-task with lumbo-pelvic movement pattern. Gait Posture.2016;49(Supplement 2): p58.
  • Widhalm K, Stamm T, Hurkmans EJ. Lumbopelvic rhythm in healthy subjects performing squat-lifting and finger-floor-distance tasks. Gait Posture. 2015;42(Supplement 1):p31.
  • Widhalm K. Klassifikation von Bewegungsmustern beim Bewegungsablauf Sit-to-Stand: eine Studienvorschau. Forschungsforum der österreichischen Fachhochschulen.2010:427-428.

Publications Co-Author

  • Rettinger L, Putz P, Aichinger L, Javorszky SM, Widhalm K, Ertelt-Bach V, et al. Telehealth Education in Allied Health Care and Nursing: Web-Based Cross-Sectional Survey of Student’s Perceived Knowledge, Skills, Attitudes, and Experience. JMIR Med Educ. 2024;10:e51112.
  • Durstberger S, Widhalm K, Putz P. Effects of smartphone use while walking on external knee abduction moment peak: A crossover randomized trial on an instrumented treadmill. Heliyon. 2023;9(11).
  • Durstberger S, Widhalm K, Putz P. Preliminary data of kinematics and kinetics of forward lunge in exercise-proficient individuals: Does dominant vs. non-dominant leg matter? Gait & Posture. 2023;106:S52-S53.
  • Durstberger S, Widhalm K, Putz P. Effect of smartphone walking on gait stability during slipping perturbations on a split-belt treadmill in young adults. Gait Posture. 2022; 97(Supplement 1): p287-288
  • Putz P, Durstberger S, Kaufmann C, Klinger M, Plessl K, Rejtö J, Widhalm K, Male C, Pabinger I. 3D gait analysis, haemophilia joint health score, leg muscle laterality and biomarkers of joint damage: A cross-sectional comparative assessment of haemophilic arthropathy. Haemophilia. 2020; 00:1-11.
  • Durstberger S, Widhalm K, Putz P. Effects of smartphone use during walking on kinetic gait parameters: Preliminary results of a crossover study on an instrumented treadmill. Gait Posuture. 2020; 81(Supplement 1): p82
  • Durstberger S, Widhalm K, Putz P. Results of test-retest-reliability of outcomes from tasks with increased range of motion. Gait Posture. 2019; 73(Supplement 1): p531-532
  • Greisberger A, Wolf B, Widhalm K, Kollmitzer D, Arbesser M, Putz P. J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2019;42(6): p425-429
  • Durstberger S, Kaufmann C, Widhalm K, Klinger M, Putz P. Preliminary results of test-retest-reliability of outcomes derived from the Plug-in-Gait and Cleveland Models when attached by an advanced operator. Gait Posture. 2018;65(Supplement 1): p226-227
  • Kaufmann C, Widhalm K, Durstberger S, Klinger M, Putz P. Preliminary results of the dynamic functional leg alignment in healthy adults during level walking: an explorative study. Gait Posture. 2018;65(Supplement 1): p256-257

Presentations & Talks

  • Preliminary data of a 3D single-limb-squat assessment of laterality in exercise-proficient physiotherapists; ESMAC 2023, Athens
  • Effects of realt-time feedback on functional ROM and loading rate during downhill walking on an instrumented treadmill; ESMAC 2022, Dublin
  • Kinetik beim Bergab-Gehen auf einer Rampe und einem instrumentierten Laufband; DGfB 2022, Köln
  • Klassifizierung der dynamischen funktionellen Beinachse bei ADL Aktivitäten mittels explorativem Ansatz; GAMMA 2020, Munich
  • An exploratory approach of classifying the dynamic functional leg alignment during Activity of Daily Living tasks: preliminary results; ESMAC2019, Amsterdam
  • Übereinstimmung von 2D-videobasierten und mittels 3D-Referenzsystem erfassten Gangparametern; DGfB 2019, Berlin
  • Test-retest reliability of sagittal spine excursions during ADL-tasks assessed by a multisegmental spine model; ESMAC 2018, Prague
  • Dynamic functional leg alignment in healthy young adults during a stair ascent and descent: an explorative pilot study; ESMAC 2017, Trondheim
  • Correlation of Physical Activity, Active Range of Motion and Type of ADL-Task with Lumbo-Pelvic Movement Pattern; ESMAC 2016, Seville
  • Bewegungsmuster von Hüfte und lumbaler Wirbelsäule bei ADL-Bewegungen bei gesunden ProbandInnen; GAMMA Kongress 2016, Wien
  • Lumbopelvic rhythm in healthy subjects performing Squat-Lifting and Finger-Floor-Distance Tasks; EMSAC 2015, Heidelberg
  • Coordination of the hip and lumbar spine during Sit-to-Stand in healthy Subjects; ESMAC 2014, Rome
  • Validity of kinematic data of the spine during ADL-tasks using surface markers; presentation at the GAMMA workshop 2011, Murnau, Germany
  • Classification of movement patterns during Sit-to-Stand: A pilot study; poster at the annual research symposia of Austrians universities of applied sciences (2010)